County Advisory Bulletins
CCAO publishes County Advisory Bulletins (CABs) on subjects related to recent legislation, executive actions, and other issues of importance to county government. CABs published from 1991 onwards are available below, grouped by subject area and by year published. If you believe a CAB is missing or misfiled, please contact Research Analyst Nick Ciolli at
A listing of CABs published pre-1991 is also included. These CABs have not been digitized and can only be produced upon request.
County Advisory Bulletins by Subject
General Government
CAB 1991-01 HB 298, County Personnel Option
CAB 1994-06 HB 300, Purchasing Law Changes
CAB 1994-09 HB 694, County Credit Card Law Change
CAB 1996-02 HB 408, Elected Officials Compensation
CAB 1996-07 HB 501, Delegation of Authority to County Administrators
CAB 1996-11 SB 158, New Continuing Education Requirements for County Auditors
CAB 1996-12 SB 81, New Training Requirements for County Treasurers
CAB 1997-04 HB 215, Boards of Elections Law Changes
CAB 1997-08 HB 280, Optional Approaches to Planned Unit Development Zoning
CAB 1997-11 Disposal of County Personal Property
CAB 1999-12 HB 101, Public Authorities Barred from Project Labor Agreements
CAB 1999-14 SB 78, Ohio Public Records Law Changes
CAB 2000-01 SB 31, Delegation of Authority to County Administrators
CAB 2001-01 PERS Contribution Option of In-Term Commissioner
CAB 2001-02 HB 499, Continuing Education for Coroners
CAB 2001-07 Educational Service Center Law Changes
CAB 2002-02 HB 226, Disposing of Obsolete Personal Property
CAB 2002-03 Lease or Loan of Public Vehicles
CAB 2004-02 Public Notice & Hearing Required When Rehiring a Retiree
CAB 2004-03 Public Notice Requirements for Elected officials Who Retire and Return
CAB 2005-01 Allocation of Workers' Compensation Costs
CAB 2005-02 County Subdivision Law Changes
CAB 2005-03 Donation of Surplus Property to Non-Profits
CAB 2006-01 Public Officials Conduct in Office
CAB 2007-01 HB 694, Expands Political Contribution Limits
CAB 2007-03 HB 694, Amended by Budget Bill
CAB 2008-02 Maintaining Meeting Minutes and Records by Electronic Means
CAB 2011-05 New Training Requirements for County Recorders
CAB 2012-01 Public Notice Reform
CAB 2012-04 Insurance & Employee Benefit Changes
CAB 2012-08 Allocation of Workers' Compensation Administration Expenses
CAB 2014-02 Joint Board of County Commissioners Hearings
CAB 2016-09 Public Records Dispute Resolution
CAB 2018-02 Voting Equipment Funding
CAB 2019-01 Disclosure Exemption for Permanently Retained Public Records
CAB 2019-03 Insurance Policy in Lieu of Individual Surety Bonds
CAB 2023-06 Issue 2: Adult Use Cannabis
Human Services
CAB 1994-10 HB 384, Joint Emergency Medical Services District
CAB 1994-11 HB 448, Comprehensive Veterans Service Law
CAB 1996-05 HB 274, Family & Children First, Children Services
CAB 1996-08 SB 163, Inmate Medical Insurance Coverage
CAB 1996-09 SB 121, Prohibitions on Insurance Companies
CAB 1997-05 HB 408, Welfare Reform
CAB 1999-03 HB 581, Health District Offices & Property Acquisition
CAB 2000-04 SB 173, Tuberculosis Control & Treatment
CAB 2000-05 HB 448, Child Fatality Review Board Provision
CAB 2005-06 County Home Management
CAB 2012-03 New Legislation on Shared Services
CAB 2012-06 Legislature Authorizes Pilot Joint JFS Service Dept for Ross, Hocking, and Vinton
CAB 2014-01 Inter-County Adjustment of CDJFS Allocations
CAB 2016-01 "Ban the Box" on Public Employment Applications
CAB 2016-04 Foster Care and Adoption Assistance Payments Eligibility Extension
CAB 2016-07 Shared Services, New Programs
CAB 2016-08 Ohio Veteran Identification Cards
CAB 2018-05 Changes to Child Support Law
CAB 2022-01 HB 4, Reporting Requirements Abuse and Neglect
CAB 2022-02 SB 105, Certification Requirements Business Enterprises
Jobs, Economic Development, and Infrastructure
CAB 1991-02 SB 20, County & Township Rural Zoning
CAB 1994-05 Revisions to Prevailing Wage Law
CAB 1994-07 HB 300, Energy Conservation Improvements for County Buildings
CAB 1996-03 HB 231, Qualifications-Based Selection for Design Firms & Construction Managers
CAB 1996-06 HB 291, County Zoning Authority for Telecommunications Towers
CAB 1997-07 HB 22, Three Mile Municipal Subdivision Authority
CAB 1998-02 SB 62, Joint & Cooperative Purchasing Options for Counties
CAB 1998-03 HB 426, County Reserve Balance Accounts
CAB 1999-06 HB 653, Road & Bridge, Easement, Right of Way
CAB 1999-10 HB 187, County Planning Commission, Zoning & Subdivision, Water & Sewer
CAB 2000-02 HB 544, County Planning Commissions, Road Improvement Bonds & Zoning Violation Fines
CAB 2001-03 SB 11, Ban of Foreign Steel in Public Improvement Projects
CAB 2001-06 SB 5, Annexation Law Changes
CAB 2002-01 HB 120, Reverse Auctions
CAB 2002-06 HB 366, Access Management
CAB 2003-02 HB 95, Competitive Bidding Law Changes
CAB 2003-03 HB 25, County Building Code Changes
CAB 2004-01 HB 95, Awarding of Contract Requirements
CAB 2007-04 Ohio's New Minimum Wage Law
CAB 2011-04 County Centralized Services
CAB 2012-07 Recent Changes to Law Relating to Competitive Bidding, Purchasing, and County Finances
CAB 2016-05 Downtown Redevelopment and Innovation Districts
Justice and Public Safety
CAB 1992-01 HB 491, Funding options for 911 systems
CAB 1994-02 HB 344, 911 Telephone Surcharge
CAB 1994-08 HB 88, Dog Control Fees & Administration of Euthanasia Drugs
CAB 1996-10 HB 351, New Training and Eligibility Requirements for Sheriffs
CAB 1997-01 HB 480, Jail Pay-for-Stay
CAB 1997-02 HB 438, County and Municipal Court Revisions
CAB 1997-03 HB 180, Sex Offender Registration & Notification
CAB 1997-06 HB 480, Jail Commissaries
CAB 1997-09 HB 209, Legislation to Protect Shooting Ranges
CAB 1997-10 Court Security Stands and Grant Funds
CAB 1998-01 SB 69, Juror Compensation
CAB 1999-01 SB 5, Emergency Service Telecommunicators Training
CAB 1999-02 HB 219, Dog Law Changes
CAB 2000-06 HB 152, Additional 911 Telephone Surcharge
CAB 2001-04 HB 661, Transportation of Prisoners
CAB 2002-04 SB 184, Terrorism Bill
CAB 2005-04 Wireless Enhanced 911 Service
CAB 2007-02 Pre-Employment Drug Testing
CAB 2008-01 Federal Regulations Requiring Counties to Develop Identity Theft Programs
CAB 2009-01 County Law Library Reform
CAB 2011-01 Criminal Sentencing Reform
CAB 2011-03 Coroner Witness Fees in Civil Cases
CAB 2012-09 Dangerous and Vicious Dogs
CAB 2013-02 New Three-Year and Permanent Dog Registrations
CAB 2016-06 County Coroner Law Revision
CAB 2016 11 Safe-at-Home Address Confidentiality
Taxation and Finance
CAB 1994-01 HB 163, Permissive Lodging Tax
CAB 1994-03 HB 677, Criminal & Administrative Justice Services Sales Tax
CAB 1994-04 HB 677, New Property Tax Option
CAB 1999-04 HB 515, County Credit Card Use & Policies
CAB 1999-07 HB 419, Commissioner Meetings, Engineer Offices, Use of Motor Fuel Taxes
CAB 1999-08 SB 142, Manufactured Home Taxation Law Changes
CAB 1999-09 SB 42, Manufactured Home Transfer & Real Property Transfer
CAB 1999-13 HB 220, Extension of Deposit Deadlines
CAB 2001-05 HB 94, Lodging Tax Law Changes
CAB 2001-08 Permissive County Motor Vehicle License Tax
CAB 2002-05 Local Permissive Filing Fees for Courts
CAB 2003-04 HB 95, Real Estate Assessment Fund Changes
CAB 2005-07 County Credit Card Law Changes
CAB 2010-01 Alternative Energy Tax Exemption
CAB 2011-02 County Budget Quarterly Spending Plans
CAB 2012-02 Changes to County Investment Law
CAB 2013-01 Allocating the Cost of Property and Liability Insurance
CAB 2013-03 County Recorder Technology Fund
CAB 2013-04 Alternative Energy Tax Exemption
CAB 2016-03 Expedited Real Property Foreclosure
CAB 2018-01 Additional County Motor Vehicle License Tax
CAB 2018-04 Changes to County Investment Law
CAB 2020-15 CARES Act and Capital Reappropriations
CAB 2020-19 Consolidated Appropriations Act Unemployment Compensation
CAB 2021-04 State Fiscal Recovery Fund Appropriations
CAB 2022-03 HB 377, Appalachian Grants
CAB 2022-04 HB 140, Modified Tax Levy Procedures and Ballot Language
Budget Bills
CAB 2003-01 HB 675, Capital Bill
CAB 2019-04 State Transportation Budget
CAB 2019-05 State Budget Overview
CAB 2021-03 Transportation Budget Overview
CAB 2021-06 Main Operating Budget Overview
CAB 2022-06 HB 687, 134th General Assembly Capital Budget
CAB 2023-01 HB 23, Transportation Budget FY24-25
CAB 2023-04 HB 33, 135th General Assembly State Operating Budget Overview
CAB 2023-05 HB 33 Changes to County Credit Card Law
Pay Tables
CAB 1996-01 HB 408, Supplemental Appropriations for Elected Officials Compensation
CAB 1996-04 HB 438, Compensation of Judges
CAB 2001-09 Pay Tables for County Officials
CAB 2002-07 Pay Tables for County Officials
CAB 2003-05 Pay Tables for County Officials
CAB 2004-04 Pay Tables for County Officials
CAB 2005-08 Pay Tables for County Officials
CAB 2006-02 Pay Tables for County Officials
CAB 2007-05 Pay Tables for County Officials
CAB 2020-01 COVID Virtual Meetings
CAB 2020-02 Family First COVID Act Leave Provisions
CAB 2020-05 Sample FMLA COVID Policy
CAB 2020-07 Sample Teleworking Policy
CAB 2020-09 COVID Employment FAQs
CAB 2020-10 Sample FMLA COVID Policy
CAB 2020-11 Sample Temporary Emergency Sick Leave Policy
CAB 2020-12 Layoffs and Furloughs Under Civil Service Law
CAB 2020-13 COVID And Collective Bargaining
CAB 2020-14 Returning to Work FAQ
CAB 2020-16 HB 81: Workers Compensation Changes
CAB 2020-16 ODH Travel Advisory and Counties
Pre-1991 CABs
The follow CABs are currently available only as physical copies within CCAO's archives. If you would like to request a digital copy, please contact Research Analyst Nick Ciolli.
90-5 Changes in the Competitive Bidding and Cooperative Purchasing Laws
90-4 County and Township Zoning Affected by New Planned Unit Development Law
90-3 Impact of the 1990 Census on Elected Officials Salaries
90-2 Sick Leave on Separation/Proration of Vacation
90-1 Recent Changes in Ohio’s Solid Waste Law and Amendment
89-2 Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services Law
89-1 County Economic Development Office Authority
88-5 County Elected Officials Compensation
88-4 Law Changes Rules on Sunshine: Ohio’s Open Meeting Law Tightens
88-3 New Urban and Rural Enterprise Zone Law
88-2 Changes in General Assistance Medical Program
88-1 County Auditors Compensation Modified with Estate Tax Fee Adjustment
87-7 County Cluster for Services to Youth
87-6 County Purchasing: Bid Bond Requirements Change
87-5 Purchasing of Insurance Exempted from Competitive Bidding
87-4 Changes in the County Permissive Sales Tax Law
87-3 New Child Support Enforcement Law
87-2 New County Permissive Motor Vehicle Tax Authority
87-1 Early Retirement Incentive Plans
85-3 Establishment of 911 Phone System
85-2 Children’s Trust Fund: Am. Sub. H.B. 319 (12/84)
85-1 Details of New Salary Bill for County Elected Officials
84-6 County Human Services Department Financing
84-5 Compliance with Revenue Sharing Handicapped Regulations
84-4 Cost Management Techniques for Health Insurance Plans
84-3 Health Coverage for Terminated Employees
84-2 The Pick Up of Employee Retirement Contributions Part II
84-2 The Pick Up of Employee Retirement Contributions Part I
84-1 The Local Government Fund
83-2 Human Services Provisions in the FY 1984-85 Budget (Am Sub HB 291)
83-1 Changes in the Local Government Fund
82-6 Computation of Tax Effort for Revenue Sharing Allocation
82-5 Salaries of County Elected Officials for 1983 and 1984
82-4 Ohio Agricultural Preservation Legislation
82-3 The New Sick Leave Law
82-2 Oil and Gas Drilling
82-1 Counties May Levy Up To 1% Permissive Sales Tax
81-2 Provisions of the State Budget Affecting Counties
81-1 Humane Animal Death Law Passed
80-5 Payments to Townships for Annexation
80-4 Bid Guaranty Requirements for Construction Projects
80-3 County Home Law Updated
80-2 The Role of Counties in Shelters for Victims of Domestic Violence
80-1 Enactment of County Lodging Tax
79-5 Contempt Power of Courts Limited in Matters Concerning Appropriations for Courts
79-4 Notification of Townships on Subdivision Plats
79-3 CETA Employees Hired After June 30, Exempt from PERS
79-2 Sick Leave for County Employees
79-1 County Homes Must Comply with Bill of Residents’ Rights
78-10 Adoption of Urban Sediment Regulations
78-9 Counties Require to Conduct Annual Evaluations of Children’s Services
78-8 Retention of Legal Counsel by County Commissioners
78-7 Municipal Incorporation Law Modified
78-6 Counties May Establish Microfilming Boards
78-5 Counties May Self Insure Officials and Employees Against Liability
78-4 New Overtime Law Affects County Employees
78-3 Revenue Sharing Calendar
78-2 County Tax Budget Procedures and Revenue Sharing
78-1 Recovering County Central Service Cost of Federal Programs
77-7 Counties Must File Progress Reports on Affirmative Action Plans
77-6 Counties May Establish Reinvestment Areas and Grant Property Tax Exemptions
77-5 Counties Required to Appoint Welfare Advisory Boards
77-4 County Budget Procedures and Revenue Sharing
77-3 The National Flood Insurance Program
77-2 Essential Collective Bargaining Terms
77-1 Unclassified Fiduciary and Personal County Employees
76-12 Layoffs
76-11 Major Provisions of the New Revenue Sharing Law
76-10 New Law Concerns Award and Payment of Construction Contracts
76-9 Amendments to Ohio’s Prevailing Wage Law
76-8 Deferred Compensation for County Employees
76-7 Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action
76-6 State and Federal Collective Bargaining Legislation
76-5 Counties May Require Sewer Connections
76-4 Understanding Workmen’s Compensation
76-3 Counties and the Ohio Unemployment Compensation Law
76-2 Removing County Employees Under Ohio Civil Service Law
76-1 New Law Provides for Service Station Fees
75-3 Sunshine Law Becomes Effective November 28
75-2 Ohio’s Prevailing Wage Law
75-1 The National Flood Insurance Program
County Advisory Bulletins by Year
CAB 2024-01 AOS Fraud Reporting Training
CAB 2024-02 Recent Changes to FLSA Overtime Requirements
CAB 2023-01 HB 23, Transportation Budget FY24-25
CAB 2023-03 County Jail Project Formula
CAB 2023-04 HB 33, 135th General Assembly State Operating Budget Overview
CAB 2023-05 HB 33 Changes to County Credit Card Law
CAB 2023-06 Issue 2: Adult Use Cannabis
CAB 2022-01 HB 4, Reporting Requirements Abuse and Neglect
CAB 2022-02 SB 105, Certification Requirements Business Enterprises
CAB 2022-03 HB 377, Appalachian Grants
CAB 2022-04 HB 140, Modified Tax Levy Procedures and Ballot Language
CAB 2022-05 HB 126, Modified Board of Revisions Procedures
CAB 2022-06 HB 687, 134th General Assembly Capital Budget
CAB 2021-01 HB 340, Petition Drainage
CAB 2021-02 Dog Warden Chemical Capture
CAB 2021-03 Transportation Budget Overview
CAB 2021-04 State Fiscal Recovery Fund Appropriations
CAB 2021-05 SB 52, Wind and Solar Power Siting Authority
CAB 2021-06 Main Operating Budget Overview
CAB 2020-01 COVID Virtual Meetings
CAB 2020-02 Family First COVID Act Leave Provisions
CAB 2020-03 was superseded by a later CAB
CAB 2020-04 was superseded by a later CAB
CAB 2020-05 Sample FMLA COVID Policy
CAB 2020-06 was superseded by a later CAB
CAB 2020-07 Sample Teleworking Policy
CAB 2020-09 COVID Employment FAQs
CAB 2020-10 Sample FMLA COVID Policy
CAB 2020-11 Sample Temporary Emergency Sick Leave Policy
CAB 2020-12 Layoffs and Furloughs Under Civil Service Law
CAB 2020-13 COVID and Collective Bargaining
CAB 2020-14 Returning to Work FAQs
CAB 2020-15 CARES and Capital Reappropriation
CAB 2020-16 HB 81, Workers Compensation Changes
CAB 2020-16 ODH Travel Advisory and Counties
CAB 2020-17 COVID Vax Public Employees FAQs
CAB 2020-18 Expiration of Covid Paid Leave & FMLA
CAB 2020-19 Consolidated Appropriations Act Unemployment Compensation
CAB 2019-01 Disclosure Exemption for Permanent Public Records
CAB 2019-02 Pay Tables for County Officials, 2018-2028
CAB 2019-03 Insurance Policy in Lieu of Surety Bonds
CAB 2019-04 State Transportation Budget
CAB 2019-05 State Budget Overview
CAB 2018-01 Additional County Mv License Tax
CAB 2018-02 Voting Equipment Funding
CAB 2018-03 Certified Mail, Electeds Public Records Training, Agency Representation
CAB 2018-04 Changes to County Investment Law
CAB 2018-05 Changes to Child Support Law
No CABs published in 2017.
CAB 2016-01 Ban-the-Box on Public Employment Applications
CAB 2016-03 Expedited Real Property Foreclosure
CAB 2016-04 Foster Care and Adoption Assistance Payments Eligibility Extension
CAB 2016-05 Downtown Redevelopment and Innovation Districts
CAB 2016-06 County Coroner Law Revision
CAB 2016-07 Shared Services New Programs
CAB 2016-08 Ohio Veteran Identification Cards
CAB 2016-09 Public Records Dispute Resolution
CAB 2016-11 Safe at Home Address Confidentiality
CAB 2015-01 Pay Tables for County Officials
CAB 2014-01 Inter-County Adjustment of CDJFS Allocations
CAB 2014-02 Joint Board of County Commissioners Hearings
CAB 2013-01 Allocating the Cost of Property and Liability Insurance
CAB 2013-02 New Three-Year and Permanent Dog Registrations
CAB 2013-03 County Recorder Technology Fund
CAB 2013-04 Alternative Energy Tax Exemption
CAB 2012-01 Public Notice Reform
CAB 2012-02 Changes to County Investment Law
CAB 2012-03 New Legislation on Shared Services
CAB 2012-04 Insurance & Employee Benefit Changes
CAB 2012-06 Legislature Authorizes Pilot Joint JFS Service Dept for Ross, Hocking, and Vinton
CAB 2012-07 Recent Changes to Law Relating to Competitive Bidding, Purchasing, and County Finances
CAB 2012-08 Allocation of Workers' Compensation Administration Expenses
CAB 2012-09 Dangerous and Vicious Dogs
CAB 2011-01 Criminal Sentencing Reform
CAB 2011-02 County Budget Quarterly Spending Plans
CAB 2011-03 Coroner Witness Fees in Civil Cases
CAB 2011-04 County Centralized Services
CAB 2011-05 New Training Requirements for County Recorders
CAB 2011-06 Ditch Maintenance Update
CAB 2009-01 County Law Library Reform
CAB 2008-02 Maintaining Meeting Minutes and Records by Electronic Means
CAB 2007-01 HB 694, Expands Political Contribution Limits
CAB 2007-02 Pre-Employment Drug Testing
CAB 2007-03 HB 694, Amended by Budget Bill
CAB 2007-04 Ohio's New Minimum Wage Law
CAB 2007-05 Pay Tables for County Officials
CAB 2006-01 Public Officials Conduct in Office
CAB 2006-02 Pay Tables for County Officials
CAB 2005-01 Allocation of Workers' Compensation Costs
CAB 2005-02 County Subdivision Law Changes
CAB 2005-03 Donation of Surplus Property to Non-Profits
CAB 2005-04 Wireless Enhanced 911 Service
CAB 2005-05 Agricultural Security Areas
CAB 2005-06 County Home Management
CAB 2005-07 County Credit Card Law Changes
CAB 2005-08 Pay Tables for County Officials
CAB 2004-01 HB 95, Awarding of Contract Requirements
CAB 2004-02 Public Notice & Hearing Required When Rehiring a Retiree
CAB 2004-03 Public Notice Requirements for Elected Officials Who Retire and Return
CAB 2004-04 Pay Tables for County Officials
CAB 2003-01 HB 675, Capital Bill
CAB 2003-02 HB 95, Competitive Bidding Law Changes
CAB 2003-03 HB 25, County Building Code Changes
CAB 2003-04 HB 95, Real Estate Assessment Fund Changes
CAB 2003-05 Pay Tables for County Officials
CAB 2002-01 HB 120, Reverse Auctions
CAB 2002-02 HB 226, Disposing of Obsolete Personal Property
CAB 2002-03 Lease or Loan of Public Vehicles
CAB 2002-04 SB 184, Terrorism Bill
CAB 2002-05 Local Permissive Filing Fees for Courts
CAB 2002-06 HB 366, Access Management
CAB 2002-07 Pay Tables for County Officials
CAB 2001-01 PERS Contribution Option of In-Term Commissioner
CAB 2001-02 HB 499, Continuing Education for Coroners
CAB 2001-03 SB 11, Ban of Foreign Steel in Public Improvement Projects
CAB 2001-04 HB 661, Transportation of Prisoners
CAB 2001-05 HB 94, Lodging Tax Law Changes
CAB 2001-06 SB 5, Annexation Law Changes
CAB 2001-07 Educational Service Center Law Changes
CAB 2001-08 Permissive County Motor Vehicle License Tax
CAB 2001-09 Pay Tables for County Officials
CAB 2000-01 SB 31, Delegation of Authority to County Administrators
CAB 2000-02 HB 544, County Planning Commissions, Road Improvement Bonds & Zoning Violation Fines
CAB 2000-04 SB 173, Tuberculosis Control & Treatment
CAB 2000-05 HB 448, Child Fatality Review Board Provision
CAB 1999-01 SB 5, Emergency Service Telecommunicators Training
CAB 1999-02 HB 219, Dog Law Changes
CAB 1999-03 HB 581, Health District Offices & Property Acquisition
CAB 1999-04 HB 515, County Credit Card Use & Policies
CAB 1999-05 SB 223, Agricultural Easements
CAB 1999-06 HB 653, Road & Bridge Easement Right of Way
CAB 1999-07 HB 419, Commissioner Meetings, Engineer Offices Use of Motor Fuel Taxes
CAB 1999-08 SB 142, Manufactured Home Taxation Law Changes
CAB 1999-09 SB 142, Manufactured Home Transfer & Real Property Transfer
CAB 1999-10 HB 187, County Planning Commission Zoning & Subdivision Water & Sewer
CAB 1999-11 SB 20, EPA Antidegradation Permit Process for Petition Ditch
CAB 1999-12 HB 101, Public Authorities Barred from Project Labor Agreements
CAB 1999-13 HB 220, Extension of Deposit Deadlines
CAB 1999-14 SB 78, Ohio Public Records Law Changes
CAB 1998-01 SB 69, Juror Compensation
CAB 1998-02 SB 62, Joint & Cooperative Purchasing Options for Counties
CAB 1998-03 HB 426, County Reserve Balance Accounts
CAB 1997-01 HB 480, Jail Pay-for-Stay
CAB 1997-02 HB 438, County and Municipal Court Revisions
CAB 1997-03 HB 180, Sex Offender Registration & Notification
CAB 1997-04 HB 215, Boards of Elections Law Changes
CAB 1997-05 HB 408, Welfare Reform
CAB 1997-06 HB 480, Jail Commissaries
CAB 1997-07 HB 22, Three Mile Municipal Subdivision Authority
CAB 1997-08 HB 280, Optional Approaches to Planned Unit Development Zoning
CAB 1997-09 HB 209, Legislation to Protect Shooting Ranges
CAB 1997-10 Court Security Stands and Grant Funds
CAB 1997-11 Disposal of County Personal Property
CAB 1996-01 HB 408, Supplemental Appropriations for Elected Officials Compensation
CAB 1996-02 HB 408, Elected Officials Compensation
CAB 1996-03 HB 231, Qualifications Based Selection for Design Firms & Construction Managers
CAB 1996-04 HB 438, Compensation of Judges
CAB 1996-05 HB 274, Family & Children First, Children Services
CAB 1996-06 HB 291, County Zoning Authority for Telecommunications Towers
CAB 1996-07 HB 501, Delegation of Authority to County Administrators
CAB 1996-08 SB 163, Inmate Medical Insurance Coverage
CAB 1996-09 SB 121, Prohibitions on Insurance Companies
CAB 1996-10 HB 351, New Training and Eligibility Requirements for Sheriffs
CAB 1996-11 SB 158, New Continuing Education Requirements for County Auditors
CAB 1996-12 SB 81, New Training Requirements for County Treasurers
No CABs published in 1995.
CAB 1994-01 HB 163, Permissive Lodging Tax
CAB 1994-02 HB 344, 911 Telephone Surcharge
CAB 1994-03 HB 677, Criminal & Admin Justice Services Sales Tax
CAB 1994-04 HB 677, New Property Tax Option
CAB 1994-05 Revisions to Prevailing Wage Law
CAB 1994-06 HB 300, Purchasing Law Changes
CAB 1994-07 HB 300, Energy Conservation Improvements for County Buildings
CAB 1994-08 HB 88, Dog Control Fees & Administration of Euthanasia Drugs
CAB 1994-09 HB 694, County Credit Card Law Change
CAB 1994-10 HB 384, Joint Emergency Medical Services District
CAB 1994-11 HB 448, Comprehensive Veterans Service Law
No CABs published in 1993.
CAB 1992-01 HB 491, Funding Options for 911 Systems
Pre-1991 CABs
The follow CABs are currently available only as physical copies within CCAO's archives. If you would like to request a digital copy, please contact Research Analyst Nick Ciolli.
90-5 Changes in the Competitive Bidding and Cooperative Purchasing Laws
90-4 County and Township Zoning Affected by New Planned Unit Development Law
90-3 Impact of the 1990 Census on Elected Officials Salaries
90-2 Sick Leave on Separation/Proration of Vacation
90-1 Recent Changes in Ohio’s Solid Waste Law and Amendment
89-2 Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services Law
89-1 County Economic Development Office Authority
88-5 County Elected Officials Compensation
88-4 Law Changes Rules on Sunshine: Ohio’s Open Meeting Law Tightens
88-3 New Urban and Rural Enterprise Zone Law
88-2 Changes in General Assistance Medical Program
88-1 County Auditors Compensation Modified with Estate Tax Fee Adjustment
87-7 County Cluster for Services to Youth
87-6 County Purchasing: Bid Bond Requirements Change
87-5 Purchasing of Insurance Exempted from Competitive Bidding
87-4 Changes in the County Permissive Sales Tax Law
87-3 New Child Support Enforcement Law
87-2 New County Permissive Motor Vehicle Tax Authority
87-1 Early Retirement Incentive Plans
85-3 Establishment of 911 Phone System
85-2 Children’s Trust Fund: Am. Sub. H.B. 319 (12/84)
85-1 Details of New Salary Bill for County Elected Officials
84-6 County Human Services Department Financing
84-5 Compliance with Revenue Sharing Handicapped Regulations
84-4 Cost Management Techniques for Health Insurance Plans
84-3 Health Coverage for Terminated Employees
84-2 The Pick Up of Employee Retirement Contributions Part II
84-2 The Pick Up of Employee Retirement Contributions Part I
84-1 The Local Government Fund
83-2 Human Services Provisions in the FY 1984-85 Budget (Am Sub HB 291)
83-1 Changes in the Local Government Fund
82-6 Computation of Tax Effort for Revenue Sharing Allocation
82-5 Salaries of County Elected Officials for 1983 and 1984
82-4 Ohio Agricultural Preservation Legislation
82-3 The New Sick Leave Law
82-2 Oil and Gas Drilling
82-1 Counties May Levy Up To 1% Permissive Sales Tax
81-2 Provisions of the State Budget Affecting Counties
81-1 Humane Animal Death Law Passed
80-5 Payments to Townships for Annexation
80-4 Bid Guaranty Requirements for Construction Projects
80-3 County Home Law Updated
80-2 The Role of Counties in Shelters for Victims of Domestic Violence
80-1 Enactment of County Lodging Tax
79-5 Contempt Power of Courts Limited in Matters Concerning Appropriations for Courts
79-4 Notification of Townships on Subdivision Plats
79-3 CETA Employees Hired After June 30, Exempt from PERS
79-2 Sick Leave for County Employees
79-1 County Homes Must Comply with Bill of Residents’ Rights
78-10 Adoption of Urban Sediment Regulations
78-9 Counties Require to Conduct Annual Evaluations of Children’s Services
78-8 Retention of Legal Counsel by County Commissioners
78-7 Municipal Incorporation Law Modified
78-6 Counties May Establish Microfilming Boards
78-5 Counties May Self Insure Officials and Employees Against Liability
78-4 New Overtime Law Affects County Employees
78-3 Revenue Sharing Calendar
78-2 County Tax Budget Procedures and Revenue Sharing
78-1 Recovering County Central Service Cost of Federal Programs
77-7 Counties Must File Progress Reports on Affirmative Action Plans
77-6 Counties May Establish Reinvestment Areas and Grant Property Tax Exemptions
77-5 Counties Required to Appoint Welfare Advisory Boards
77-4 County Budget Procedures and Revenue Sharing
77-3 The National Flood Insurance Program
77-2 Essential Collective Bargaining Terms
77-1 Unclassified Fiduciary and Personal County Employees
76-12 Layoffs
76-11 Major Provisions of the New Revenue Sharing Law
76-10 New Law Concerns Award and Payment of Construction Contracts
76-9 Amendments to Ohio’s Prevailing Wage Law
76-8 Deferred Compensation for County Employees
76-7 Equal Employment Opportunity and Affirmative Action
76-6 State and Federal Collective Bargaining Legislation
76-5 Counties May Require Sewer Connections
76-4 Understanding Workmen’s Compensation
76-3 Counties and the Ohio Unemployment Compensation Law
76-2 Removing County Employees Under Ohio Civil Service Law
76-1 New Law Provides for Service Station Fees
75-3 Sunshine Law Becomes Effective November 28
75-2 Ohio’s Prevailing Wage Law
75-1 The National Flood Insurance Program

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