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House Bill 96, Amendment Requests
An important part of the state budget process is budget amendments. To secure changes to the budget, CCAO is asking members to request that their Representatives submit the following amendments by the March 14 deadline.
Priority Requests
Next Generation 9-1-1
HC-0401: Increases the user fee that generates revenue for Next Generation 9-1-1 to $1.00 per month
Indigent Defense
HC-1087: Appropriates $43 million in SFY 2026 and $50 million in SFY 2027 for county indigent defense cost reimbursement. The amendment also provides funding for a performance audit of the indigent defense system and removes reimbursement rate caps.
Other Requests
Children Services
HC-0196: Appropriates an additional $6.5 million in each fiscal year to support county Family and Children First Councils.
Senior Services
HC-0482: Appropriates an additional $10 million in each fiscal year for Senior Community Services.
HC-0034: Appropriates $20 million in SFY 2026 to expand middle-mile broadband infrastructure along Route 30.
Victim Services
HC-0791: Directs 5% of the adult-use marijuana excise tax revenue (appropriated at $14.5 million in each fiscal year) for grants to county prosecutors for victim assistance. It reallocates the 5% away from expungement requests.