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CCAO, OACBHA Joint Recommendation on Changing ADAMH Board Governing Board Size

Changes to R.C. 340.02 that were included in HB 33 will allow for a determination of the number of members that will be appointed to the governing board of ADAMH Boards. CCAO and the Ohio Association of County Behavioral Health Authorities (OACBHA) have collaborated and agreed upon recommendations for implementation of the new requirements.

The following is a summary of the governing board requirements, both new and unchanged, and the joint CCAO-OACBHA recommendations. A standalone PDF version of this article can be found here.

Summary of Requirements

Governing board size:

Governing board appointments: 

Joint CCAO-OACHBA Recommendations

In consideration of the questions and considerations that will occur with the implementation of the new requirements, CCAO and OACBHA make the following joint recommendations:

Please contact CCAO Outreach & Member Engagement Manager Rachel Reedy,, 513-543-3723, with any questions about the requirements or these recommendations.

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